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Magic Tenner Town Event Announced

Image representing Magic Tenner Town Event Announced from Sandwich Is Open

Following on from the hugely successful Fiver Fest, the Magic Tenner Campaign is designed to give you the opportunity to engage with your customers, to work together with your fellow local traders and make a big deal of how important you all are to making your town and high street vibrant, unique and wonderful. It’s a fight back for the little guys, and we are proud to support you.

Generating £50 from £10 seems a bit far-fetched, but it’s because most local indie businesses choose to spend their money in lots of other local businesses, so the money goes round and around your town’s economy. We’ve had some totally locally businesses who have over 200 local suppliers, so you see spending with them means a huge impact for your town, region or area, compared to when you spend online, with big corporates or supermarkets where most of the money goes to shareholders and central offices.

The Sandwich Is Open website is provided by Broadbiz as part of our Community Programme
The Sandwich Is Open website is provided by Broadbiz as part of our Community Programme